Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: Bruxelles |
Splash, Can And Cock is an art exhibition display behind the window, during winter 2013-14. It plays with the light and the interior/exterior relations. Pieces seem to lay behind the glass to be enjoyed by the passer-bys. Illuminated from the inside, the piece creates warmth and also questions the setting of any shop window or private space open to the outside. Jakup Auce’s new work (Kimberly Clark, 2013) was created for the occasion, while Carl Palm’s piece (Plage de Bureau, 2013) has been travelling for the last months. Curated by Sonia Dermience and Alberto García del Castillo.
Komplot, Bruxelles. 30.10.2013 > 15.03.2014.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition, galerie |
The work of Nicolas Lamas is based on a process reflection about space, time, culture and science. Exploring different scientific fields such as astronomy or physics, Lamas formalizes his questioning using various media, playing on codes of monstration, comparing objects which seem a priori to be opposites, to elicit meaning and drama. The young Peruvian artist based in Belgium creates a world crammed with possibilities, creating permanent interactions, ellipses, attractions and repulsions, inversions between horizontality and verticality, incompatibilities between vacuum and matter, distortions of logic.
Meessen De Clercq, Bruxelles. 08.11.2013 > 07.12.2013.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Anvers, exposition, galerie |
New duo-exhibition with collaborative and individual work by the artists Dominique Somers and Egon Van Herreweghe in Stilll. The content consists of images reproduced from other books, all belonging to the library of the Antwerp FotoMuseum. By using different modes to reproduce these finds – scanning, photocopying, photographing – the original visual material is manipulated once more. Imperfections of image surface and duplicating techniques are marked. Point of departure was the creation of a book, a jury price given to the artist during Art Brussels at the POPPOSITIONS off fair.
Stilll is a gallery working with artist who use photography as a medium. Expect sculpture, painting, drawing, performance, video… from a photographical point of view.
Stilll, Antwerpen. 06.12.2013 > 18.01.2014.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: exposition, galerie, New York |
Athanasios Argianas’s work occupies a space between mediums: sculptures become scripts for performances, or arrangements for songwriting, or vice versa.
On Stellar Rays, New York. 02.11.2013 > 01.12.2013
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: exposition, Montreuil |
Jagna Ciuchta‘s work Eat the Blue is an exhibition in progress that is built and taken apart in organic, unpredictable ways. Its scenography is designed to incorporate the involvement of other artists and it evolves in rhythm with the introduction of their works. Eat the Blue s’inscrit dans l’exposition Singularités partagées. Commissaire : Marlène Rigler. Selection of Websites: Rada Boukova, Julie Favreau, Emmanuelle Lainé, Colombe Marcasian, Cécile Noguè, Babeth Rambaul, Clémence Seille, France Valliccioni and Julie Vayssière.
116, Centre d’art contemporain, Montreuil. 17.10.2013 > 11.01.2014.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition, Helsinki |
Creating a double exhibition, a mirroring situating or a splitting divergent show between Helsinki and Brussels is the challenge. Site-specificity is questioned, as well as the increasing demand of tailored art practices providing for projects, art spaces, towns and neighborhoods. Initiated by the Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux
Selection of Websites : Félicia Atkinson, Konsta Ojala, Timo Vaittinen, Bitsy Knox, Olli Keränen, Maija Luutonen and Sauli Sirviö.
KOMPLOT, Bruxelles. 06.09.2013 > 12.10.2013.
SIC, Helsinki. 23.08.2013 > 06.10.2013.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition, galerie |
Patrick Carpentier poursuit sa recherche du sensible à travers «Le Neutre» (Cours au collège de France (1977 – 1978) de Roland Barthes). L’argument du cours a été le suivant : on a défini comme relevant du Neutre toute inflexion qui esquive ou déjoue la structure paradigmatique, oppositionnelle, du sens, et vise par conséquent à la suspension des données conflictuelles du discours. Ce désir du neutre devient une installation sobre et anti-spectaculaire faite de livres, photographies ou petites sculptures. Elle mélange transparence et camaïeux en glissant vers l’abstraction. Un effort de différence. Un ordre de la nuance.
Rossycontemporary, Bruxelles. 05.09.2013 > 09.11.2013.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Spectacle, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Besançon |
À l’occasion de la carte blanche confiée à Béatrice Balcou par le Frac Franche-Comté de Besançon, l’artiste propose une journée de performances en conviant une demi-douzaine d’artistes – dont la pratique rejoint ses interrogations — à la rejoindre et occuper l’espace d’exposition en cours de démontage. Chaque Chose En Son Temps invite les spectateurs à prendre conscience de la nécessité de repenser notre rapport au temps, de s’extraire momentanément de l’agitation pour se laisser traverser par une autre temporalité ; celle du ralentissement. Avec Béatrice Balcou, Manon de Boer, Carole Douillard, Mark Geffriaud, Laura Lamiel et Marie Lund.
FRAC Franche-Comté, Besançon. 07.09.2013.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: exposition, Hamburg |
Focusing on quiet moments and easily overlooked details, Jessica Backhaus‘ visual language is intimate and delicate.
Robert Morat Galerie, Hamburg. 07.09.2013 > 26.10.2013.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: exposition, galerie, Paris |
Art of Living (i.e. : Goodbye, Blue Monday) se veut un prétexte pour parler d’autres choses, c’est à dire tous les objets de notre vie : objets avec lesquels nous avons vécu, objets que nous avons observés, devenus matière à réflexion, utilisés et ré-injectés à l’intérieur des œuvres.
Sélection de sites Internet: Lupo Borgonovo, Sonia Kacem, Emanuele Marcuccio, Katja Novitskova et Timur Si-Qin.
Chez Valentin, Paris. 22.06.2013 > 27.07.2013.