Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture | Tags: Berlin, gallery |
The exhibition The Neoliberal Urge to Curate a Friendsgroup brings together works by Sarah Albrecht, Oliver Bleckmann, Manuel Cornelius, Sophia Gatzkan, Jill Kiddon, Luka Naujoks and Johannes Thiel and explores the neoliberal tendency to view social relationships as a strategic network – a curated portfolio of friendships, treated as a purpose-driven structure. In a culture dominated by self-promotion and social optimization, friendships are increasingly becoming a resource designed to yield personal benefits. Particularly in the art scene, many friendships have an ‘instrumental’ character – relationships are selected on the basis of aesthetics and value.
ACUD Galerie, Berlin. 28.02.2025 > 23.03.2025.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: exhibition, gallery, London |
Matthias Groebel has never believed in the concept of content. By doing so, Groebel frees his works from the constraints of representation. Across his career and different media, he has repeatedly created parameters and conditions that allow for an intuitive mental workspace.
Modern Art, London. 17.01.2025 > 22.02.2025.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: Bonn, exhibition |
“The strength of Dort: ein Gefühl is its minimal curatorial framework – that red line – which allows us not just to hear what is being said, but to register Bordowitz’s true medium: not performance, poetry, or film, but presence itself, with language and, ultimately, art as its faulty witnesses.” Kristian Vistrup Madsen on Gregg Bordowitz: Nothing But Being Here (Spike Art Magazine)
Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, 21.09.2024 > 02.02.2025.
A second chapter of the exhibition takes place at Camden Art Centre, London
(17.01.2025 > 30.03.2025).
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition, Wiels |

Loin d’essayer d’englober l’intégralité de son œuvre, l’exposition On peut… On peut encore… d’Ana Jotta se concentre sur un aspect spécifique de son travail : sa façon d’investir le dessin d’une multiplicité de sens.
Wiels, Bruxelles. 07.09.2024 > 05.01.2025.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Sculpture | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition |
Evelyne de Behr présente Silent Conversation, comment la terre s’est tue, un titre tiré de l’essai du philosophe David Abram, ouvrage qui a accompagné sa résidence en Espagne en 2023. Cette exposition met en lumière sa pratique artistique dans une démarche écologique. Les couleurs d’Andalousie sont le point de départ d’un retour sensible au vivant.
La Part du Feu, Bruxelles. 12.09.2024 > 05.10.2024.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Sculpture | Tags: exposition, Liège |

Cléo Totti works with sculpture and performance. Her main motif is the human body, which is fragmented, distorted and transformed into pictorial objects.
Les Brasseurs, Liège. 18.09.24 > 26.10.24.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: conceptual, exhibition, gallery, minimal, Veltem-Beisem |
An unlimited amount of ideas, dialogues and interactions, in the conceptual and minimalistic universe of Bram Vanderbeke, David Boon, Michel Mazzoni and Mohammed Alani. 22a Gallery is an artist run gallery founded by Lisa De Greef and Luis-Manuel Lambrechts.
22a Gallery, Veltem-Beisem. 12.09.24 – 10.11.24.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: Brussels, gallery, Painting |
“Drawing formally upon still life, portraiture, and landscape painting while occasionally incorporating elements of assemblage, Arisa Yoshioka’s narrative tableaux interrogate the narrow distance that differentiates the material world from the limitlessness of our dreams.” Martin Germann
Gladstone, Brussels. 11.09.2024 > 12.10.2024.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture | Tags: exhibition, gallery, Paris |
Tony Cragg has stated, ‘although it is the human figure which interests me most deeply, I have always paid great attention to natural forms.’
Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris. 07.09.2024 > 10.10.2024.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: exposition, galerie, Paris |
“I always focus on staging and gestures, working with the body, arranging certain situations between people, or between people and their surroundings. It is a performative activity, which is why I often say that my photographs are documentations of little performances.” — Joanna Piotrowska, 2020
Galerie Marian Goodman, Paris. 06.09.2024 – 05.10.2024.