Filed under: Art contemporain, Design, Musique, Sculpture | Tags: exposition, Liège |
Opening exhibition with: Thomas Couderc, Brice Dreessen, Arnaud Eubelen, ssaliva, Benjamin Munix, Boris Thiébaut, Walter Wathieu and Amaury Wilkin [Amer Lab.]
Panamax Project, Liège. 19.09.2020 > 25.10.2020.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Design | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition |
The Itinérance #2 project focuses on the creation of Belgian and French contemporary designers, with curatorship by Jean-François Declercq (Atelier Jespers). With works by Berger&Berger, Alain Berteau, David Boussier, Nicolas Brevers/Gobo Lights, Casimir, Maarten De Ceulaer, Frederik Delbart, Nicolas Destino, Destroyers/Builders, Nathalie Dewez, Frédérick Gautier, Damien Gernay, Kaspar Hamacher, Gerard Kuijpers, Studio KRJST, Tim Onderbeke, Frédéric Pellenq, Adrien Rovero, Nicolas Schuybroek, Bela Silva, Vladimir Slavov, Ben Storms, Maarten Stuer and Conrad Willems.
With The Support Of Spazio Nobile & Kolkhoze.
BOZAR, Brussels. 26 > 28.01.2018.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Design, Graphisme | Tags: exhibition, Liège, works hop |
Les projets de Claire Williams gravitent autour du textile open source, floss software & hardware, des machines à tricoter hackées, du textile électronique et computationnel… et s’inscrivent dans le cadre d’une réflexion plus globale sur la question de la réappropriation des outils numériques. Ses obsessions : la captation de données et leur matérialisation, l’articulation entre langages numériques, sonores et textiles.
Galerie Rature, Liège. 19.10.2017 > 28.10.2017. (13e Festival Voix De Femmes)
Filed under: Design | Tags: galerie, Londres |

The ninth edition of Prototypes and Experiments will show models, samples, tests and drawings picked fresh from the studio shelves of architects and designers. Participants include: Assa Ashuach, Conor Taylor, de Allegri Fogale, Ineke Hans, Jenny Banks, Louie Rigano & Gil Muller, Map Project Office, Merel Karhof & Marc Trotereau, Monadnock, MOS Architects, Opendesk, Rezzan Hasoglu, Sam Jacob Studio, Samuel Wilkinson, Shin Azumi, Studio Furthermore, Theo Riviere and Zuza Mengham.
The Aram Gallery, London. 13.07.2017 > 19.08.2017.
Filed under: Design | Tags: exhibition, Paris, vitrine |
Les Foins crée, édite et diffuse également du mobilier et des objets uniques, le plus souvent artisanaux ou semi-artisanaux. M. Isamu travaille la terre Shigaraki pour réaliser de petits vases monolithiques cuits au feu de bois. Le vase est directement cuit dans le feu 3 à 5 fois, à des températures avoisinant les 1200 degrés. Il n’y a pas d‘émail, c’est l’oxydation des cendres et leur vapeur qui créent la couleur.
Air de Paris, Paris. 27.05 > 28.05.2016.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Design, Graphisme | Tags: exposition, New York |
With a background in graphic design, Na Kim creates expansive work that freely traverses the boundary between fine art and design. By doing away with pre-existing rules and symbolic meanings, Kim studies the essential elements in form, rearranging it based on its geometric standards.
In « SET, » Kim’s work from the past 10 years will be exhibited in one space, and a namesake catalogue will be shown as part of the exhibition. Regardless of production year, medium, commission, etc, the catalogue comprises of design and other works that are reordered according to the visual elements found in each work.
The production and editing of this catalogue is a collaborative effort with graphic designer Joris Kristis. As it is the first time Kim has handed over the designer role to another person, she intends to redefine the notion of the artist and the designer’s role.
Along those lines, the wall and floor space of the exhibition will be divided in a similar proportion as the catalogue’s design, then the works in the catalogue will be made into wall drawing, serving as the set for a performance that will coincide with the visual aspects of Kim’s work.
In this way, Kim’s work brings out the intrinsic distinctions between fine art and design, tearing down the boundaries of process and form. And by expanding into the realm of installation and performance, the artist shows the possibilities of a cohesive and unified body of work. It is these reconstituted and restructured heterogeneous elements that point towards and reveal new meaning and potential.
DOOSAN Gallery, New York. 08.10.2015 > 05.11.2015.
Filed under: Design | Tags: exposition, Hasselt |
Tout spécialement pour cet événement, on doit à
Konstantin Grcic trois grandes installations qui reflètent sa vision de l’habitat, du travail et de l’espace public dans le futur.
Z33, Hasselt. 08.02 > 24.05.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Design | Tags: Anvers, exposition |
In his early twenties Johan Tahon dug up in the center of Ghent a majolica milk jug. It proved to be an important discovery: it was made by the Antwerp ceramist of Italian descent Guido Andries. Andries introduced majolica in the Netherlands and in 1520 put up a kiln in the Kammenstraat, not far from where gallery Valerie Traan is now located. Johan Tahon shows for the first time his versions of the albarello, or pharmacist’s pot, capriciously covered with white enamel.
Valerie Traan, Antwerp. 23.01.2014 > 08.03.2014.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Design, Photographie | Tags: Bruxelles, événement, exposition |

DISCOTHEQUISME — house club design — est une émanation de l’esthétique des clubs et des festivals belges. Avec cette nouvelle exposition, Thibaut Blondiau et Jérôme André recyclent les codes du clubbing. Ils les caricature, les détournent, mais en font toujours l’apologie: mobilier, photographies et vidéos objectivent la fête. Organisée dans le cadre de Design September, cette expo-événement proposera des œuvres inédites et constituera un lieu unique de rencontres et d’échanges sur la mécanique environnementale de la fête.
Recyclart, Bruxelles. Vernissage: 21.09.2012, 16:30.
Horaires: Samedi 22.09, 15:00 > 17:00 + Dimanche 23.09, 15:00 > 17:00
Jeudi 27.09 (in vitro), 18:00 > 22:00 + Vendredi 28.09, 16:30 > 21:00
Filed under: Art contemporain, Design, Graphisme, Photographie | Tags: Anvers, exposition |
The work of Raw Color reflects a sophisticated treatment of material and colour by mixing the fields of graphic design and photography. Selection of other Websites: Krijn de Koning, Fien Muller, Lucile Soufflet, Philippe Van Snick, Tamara Van San and Pieter Vermeersch.
Valerie Traan, Anvers. 06.09.2012 > 27.10.2012.