Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: exhibition, gallery, Londres |
Gabriele Beveridge’s materials frequently derive from sites of commerce, particularly those where we prepare and process our bodies, or more accurately where we pay others to perform labour on our surfaces. Display and presentation are persistent themes throughout the practice. Beveridge includes found photographic imagery, cropped posters and promotional material found in hair and nail salons, alongside photograms which are a new addition to the artist’s lexicon.
Seventeen, London. 03.11.2018 > 15.12.2018.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture | Tags: exhibition, Londres |
Working together since 1995, artist duo Michael Elmgreen (b. 1961, Denmark) and Ingar Dragset (b. 1969, Norway) produce beguiling spatial scenarios that explore social and sexual politics and unveil the power structures embedded in the everyday designs that surround us.
Whitechapel Gallery, Londres. 27.09.2018 >13.01.2019.
Filed under: Design | Tags: galerie, Londres |

The ninth edition of Prototypes and Experiments will show models, samples, tests and drawings picked fresh from the studio shelves of architects and designers. Participants include: Assa Ashuach, Conor Taylor, de Allegri Fogale, Ineke Hans, Jenny Banks, Louie Rigano & Gil Muller, Map Project Office, Merel Karhof & Marc Trotereau, Monadnock, MOS Architects, Opendesk, Rezzan Hasoglu, Sam Jacob Studio, Samuel Wilkinson, Shin Azumi, Studio Furthermore, Theo Riviere and Zuza Mengham.
The Aram Gallery, London. 13.07.2017 > 19.08.2017.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Vidéo – Film | Tags: exposition, galerie, Londres |
Beatriz Olabarrieta constructs sculptural installations that combine objects made of lo-fi building materials with short looped video sequences. Her exhibitions are sites for examining and generating performance and writing; each configuration is a stage for open-ended scenarios to unfold.
MOT International, Londres. 23.10.2015 > 21.11.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: exposition, galerie, Londres |
The first UK solo exhibition by French, New York based artist Camille Henrot who works across sculpture, drawing and video. This new body of work makes links between the history of the universe and the universe of the artists’ studio, the construction of knowledge and its relationship to haptic experience…
Chisenhale, London. 28.02.2014 > 13.04.2014.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie | Tags: exposition, galerie, Londres |
The works presented in The Democracy of Objects engage with the use and manipulation of artefacts – and here the artists explore social experiences alongside a reflection on the status of the artwork. From interventions which playfully and subversively address the public to sculptural compositions reflecting on cultural memories – the objects here play with their classification and reinvent themselves through actions such as dematerialization, re-materialization and inter-connexion. Websites: Ivan Argote, Abigail Reynolds and the collective A Kassen.
NETTIE HORN, Londres. 21.06.2013 > 27.07.2013.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: exposition, Londres |
The artists in Brush It In are instigating what could be called the beginnings of a post-Photoshop engagement with photography. Curated by Lorenzo Durantini. Selection of Websites: Joshua Citarella, Fleur van Dodewaard, Christiane Feser, Darren Harvey-Regan, Antonio Marguet and Anne de Vries.
Flowers, Londres. 26.10.2012 > 24.11.2012.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: exposition, Londres |
Mathieu Copeland is the fourth guest curator invited by the David Roberts Art Foundation to be part of the Curators’ Series. Copeland’s group show, Studies for an Exhibition, explores how exhibitions are to be envisaged in regard to transient thoughts – an art that reveals itself through time, as movements of transitions, as possible studies giving the feeling of what is, and what can be.
Selection of Websites: Elena Bajo, Emma Bjornesparr, Roman Opalka and Yann Sérandour.
David Roberts Art Foundation, Londres. 07.04.2011 > 11.06.2011.
Filed under: Graphisme, Photographie | Tags: livre, Londres |
POV FEMALE is a publishing project by Damien Poulain that brings together a diverse group of young female photographers in a collection of monographs. The first monographs are on: Briony Campbell, Tara Darby, Rasha Kahil, Bronwen Parker-Rhodes and Charlotte Player.
KK Outlet, Londres. 22.02.2011.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: exposition, galerie, Londres |
Stretching across the various disciplines of visual art, Matt Golden‘s work calls to mind Carl Andre and the minimalist love of making art out of what should not be art. His actions result from using materials to hand, though his interventions are based on an internal logic – the idea that the materials themselves suggest what transformation they could undergo. Through slight subversions his single element works become resituated in the world.
BISCHOFF/WEISS, Londres. 25.02.2011 > 02.04.2011.