Filed under: Art contemporain, Vidéo – Film | Tags: exposition, La Haye |

Sound Spill investigates the curatorial problem of sound in the context of the group exhibition. Selection of Websites: Nina Canell (+ We Find Wildness + google), Alex Heim, Gary Hill, Torsten Lauschmann, Guy Sherwin and Richard Sides. Initiated by Thom O’Nions and Haroon Mirza.
West, Den Haag. 07.01.2012 > 28.01.2012.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: exposition, galerie, La Haye |
Benjamin Alexander Huseby works with photography and installation, often juxtaposing his somewhat disparate interests in esoteric science, natural history and counter culture. I Wanna Dance with Somebody is the first single of Whitney Houston’s second album and was a big hit in 1987. Lars Laumann introducing Vela Arbutina, Benjamin Alexander Huseby and Rein Vollenga.
Galerie West, Den Haag. 02.04.2011 > 07.05.2011.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Graphisme, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie | Tags: exposition, La Haye |
There, I Fixed It stands for an attitude, a way of looking at materials and problems that is at the same time bold and unexpected.
Participating artists: R. Buckminster Fuller, Krijn Giezen, René Heyvaert, Mark Manders with Roger Willems, Reto Pulfer and Josué Rauscher.
Stroom Den Haag. 13.03.2011 > 15.05.2011.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: exposition, La Haye |

MY Public Space / « …to find emptiness in cityscapes » is an exhibition that offers a platform to artists whose works appropriate or scan the total emptiness of public spaces in such a way that they bestow new meaning on what appears self-evidently absent/present, and by doing so inspire people to approach public (but nevertheless extremely personal) open space in a new – more personal, critical and creative – way. Websites: Willem Besselink, Justin Bennett, Roderik Henderson, Bart Lodewijks, Peter Luining, Monica Nouwens, Els Opsomer, Marike Schuurman.
Gemak, Den Haag. MIJN Publieke Ruimte / « …to find emptiness in cityscapes ».
23.01.2010 > 13.03.2010.