Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Amsterdam, exhibition |

The exhibition SUMUS–We Are Together, curated by Eszter Szakács presents archival materials and experimental film works by artist Dóra Maurer (1937 -), some of which she labelled as SUMUS, with the aim to signify the self-financed/DIY and collaborative aspect of her filmmaking.
de Appel, Amsterdam. 08.07.2023 > 26.08.2023.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Sculpture | Tags: Amsterdam, exhibition, gallery |
With a practice that is deeply interwoven into her everyday experience, Ruth van Beek looks inwards at how her vast archive works.
In Mariken Wessels’ new series of sculptures of Mama and collage works The Sculptor, it is the female body that becomes matter.
The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam. 11.03.2023 > 22.04.2023.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Amsterdam, exhibition |
The artworks presented all exemplify the idea of the artist creating their own imaginative spaces through their artworks as video works, sculptures, and installations. Artists: Andreas Kassapis, Atelier Van Lieshout, Aukje Dekker, Desiree Dolron, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Lara Verheijden, Peter Schuyff, Shezad Dawood, Thomas van Linge and Wayne Horse. In collaboration with Amsterdam based gallery HE.RO.
De School, Amsterdam. 24.01.2019 > 24.02.2019.
Filed under: Photographie | Tags: Amsterdam, édition, exhibition |
Senta Simond‘s work focuses on an intimate approach to the female body and portraiture. Her photographs feature a circle of acquaintances and respond to existing, and too often clichéd, representation of femininity. You can pre-order the photobook here.
Foam 3h, (Space for young photographers), Amsterdam. 07.09.2018 > 28.10.2018.
Filed under: Photographie | Tags: Amsterdam, exhibition |
Selected through the annual Talent Call – the largest to date, with 1.790 submissions from 75 different countries – the 20 image-makers presented in this exhibition represent a cross section of the current state of photography. Selection of Websites: David De Beyter (France), Weronika Gęsicka (Poland), Alix Marie (France) and Ben Schonberger (USA).
Foam, Amsterdam. 01.09.2017 > 12.11.2017.
Filed under: Photographie | Tags: Amsterdam, exhibition |
Close to the skin of her objects, Harley Weir’s intimate approach is what marks her work in any context, be it a border zone in a politically charged area, or in a room with a model.
Follow Harley Weir on Instagram.
Foam, Amsterdam. 02.12.2016 > 19.02.2017.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Amsterdam, exposition, galerie |
In her previous series Parts and Drape, Eva Stenram digitally cut up existing images in order to examine the relationship between an image and its viewer. For her upcoming show at Amsterdam, she further explores her use of found images and what it means to be looking at them. Offcut consists of three works that all combine the photography with three-dimensional installation.
The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam. 10.09.2016 > 22.10.2016.
Filed under: Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Amsterdam, exposition |
Since 1993, Dana Lixenberg has dedicated her time to the project Imperial Courts, which sketches life in Watts, a district in South Central L.A. that is ridden with poverty, race riots and gang wars. Huis Marseille exhibits a selection of fifty of her monumental portraits, a video installation and an audio installation.
Huis Marseille, Amsterdam. 12.12.2015 > 06.03.2016.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: Amsterdam, exhibition |
Alicja Kwade uses different strategies in her work, based on thorough scientific-artistic research.
By disfiguring the reality and the manipulation of materials and shapes, the viewer is constantly misled. Kwade creates sensory illusions that test our thought and perception.
de Appel arts centre, Amsterdam. 06.02.2016 > 10.04.2016.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Amsterdam |

With New Arrivals, Bruno Zhu (Portugal, 1991) remodels the Foam 3h library into another reading room – one that flattens the representation of reading itself. Twisting time and space, both physically and conceptually, the installation juxtaposes visual motifs from the private space into the public and vice versa. This way, Zhu light-heartedly explores his fascination for photography’s ambivalent symbol as surface and object, representation and appropriation.
FOAM, Amsterdam. 29.10.2015 > 24.121.2015.