Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: Anvers, exposition, galerie |
Jean-Baptiste Bernadet lives and works in Brussels and Paris. For his first solo show at Maes & Matthys, he presents a new series based around the legendary Las Vegas slogan “What Happens Here Stays Here”, which sets the tone of the exhibition. Applied to painting, this phrase undermines the emotional and intellectual impact commonly ascribed to aesthetic experience.
Maes & Matthys Gallery, What happens here, stay here. Anvers. 22.01.2010 > 06.03.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Berlin, exposition, galerie |
La galerie Zazazozo investit son nouvel espace à Berlin avec une exposition collective de :
Anonymous Source, Melanie Bonajo, Constant Dullaart, Simone Gilges, Kinga Kielczynska, Alberto de Michele, Joseph Marzolla, Tomas Lemarquis, Janneke Raaphorst & Nino Serbest, Nina Rhod, Voin de Voin, Anne de Vries, Céline Wouters, Joanna Zielinska.
Zazazozo-gallery, Berlin. Do we need more art? 21.01.2010 > 25.01.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: Anvers, exposition, galerie |
The Rotterdam artist Olaf Mooij (1958) has achieved particular fame with his car sculptures on display in public space. Mooij’s recent sculptures have a strong tactile appearance; they invite you to touch them and, oh, why not, to love them. In collaboration with BuroDijkstra Gallery, Rotterdam.
Dagmar De Pooter Gallery, Anvers. 21.01.2010 > 06.03.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition, galerie |
The Earth seen from the Moon was a very complex and multi-layered installation in the Cesare Manzo Gallery in Pescara, Italy. The core of the installation is the only remaining piece and is the most meaningful as well. The title of the exhibition was turned around, wondering how we look at the Moon from the Earth. All the identified craters and seas on the Moon refer to Earthly history. The existing moonmap with the exact locations of every given name is drawn on a used UN helmet. The helmet represents humanities unsuccessful efforts to manage the world.
Meessen De Clercq, Bruxelles. 29.01.2010 > 06.03.2010.
The Earth seen from the Moon was a very complex and multi-layered installation in the Cesare Manzo Gallery in Pescara, Italy. The core of the installation is the only remaining piece and is the most meaningful as well. The title of the exhibition was turned around, wondering how we look at the Moon from the Earth. All the identified craters and seas on the Moon refer to Earthly history. The existing moonmap with the exact locations of every given name is drawn on a used UN helmet. The helmet represents humanities unsuccessful efforts to manage the world.
Meessen De Clercq, Bruxelles. 29.01.2010 > 06.03.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition, galerie |
Principalement au moyen de la photographie et de la vidéo, Michel Couturier poursuit un travail qui, de diverses manières, a trait avec l’architecture et l’espace public. Depuis 2001, il aborde la ville et ses périphéries par le biais du récit mythologique et de ses résurgences, souvent inattendues, dans notre espace contemporain.
RossiContemporary, Bruxelles. 21.01.2010 > 06.03.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: exposition, galerie, Paris |
“My current work addresses both the labor of being an artist and the disappointment that often comes with that choice. I have a full time job as a Production Manager for Zac Posen in order to pay rent, but I come home most nights and put in several additional hours in my studio. Each piece I create is an investment of time and work. I am creating hand cut paper funeral wreaths with text pulled from my rejection letters which I have also hand stitched. These letters, like work and death are all part of the life of being an artist. » – Gina Dawson
Galerie Jeanroch Dard, Paris. 09.01.2010 > 06.02.2010
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: Anvers, exposition, galerie |
Exposition collective : Paul-Armand Gette, Kathe Burkhart, Andrew Webb, Carolina De Backer-Beyne, Wesley Meuris, Ruben Kindermans, Frederik Van Simaey, Charlotte Schleiffert, Filip Vervaet, Dirk Zoete, Marc Rossignol, Guy Van Bossche, Herman Van Ingelgem, Lara Dhondt, Marcel De Cleer, Ermias Kifleyesus, Guy Rombouts, Els Vanden Meersch, Marc Vanderleenen, André Catalao, Steven Baelen, Maud Vande Veire, Kris Vleeschouwer.
Annie Gentils Gallery, Anvers. 20.12.2009 > 23.01.2010. Finissage jeudi 21 janvier à 18:00.
Filed under: Mode | Tags: Anvers, boutique, galerie, librairie |
ra est un concept store de plus de 300 m2, situé à Anvers. Un espace d’exposition, un bar et une librairie se greffent à la boutique où l’on retrouve une sélection des dernières collections de Gareth Pugh, Charles Anastase, Henrik Vibskov, Cosmic Wonder, Chloë Sevigny for Opening Ceremony, Kitsune…