Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: exposition |
The videos and photographs of Julika Rudelius (b. Cologne, 1968) concern themes that range from patterns of social behavior and prejudices to role clichés, identity, and cultural hegemony.
The exhibition at the Ursula Blickle Stiftung presents, for the first time in Germany, a large retrospective by the artist, who lives in Amsterdam and New York.
Ursula Blickle Stiftung, Kraichtal-Unteröwisheim. 21.03.2010 > 25.04.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition |
À travers peintures, sculptures, photographies, vidéos et installations, vingt-sept artistes espagnols d’aujourd’hui mettent en scène la notion de « limite ». Sélection de sites d’artistes: Lara Almarcegui, Xavier Arenós, Txomin Badiola, Mateo Maté, Concha Pérez, Amparo Sard (en construction) et Santiago Sierra.
BOZAR, Bruxelles. El Ángel Exterminador. 29.04.2010 > 20.06.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Musique | Tags: Berlin, exposition |
Ortho Graphe is an exhibition project, first based on a drawing from a Joey Beltram‘s vinyl record. The original drawing is used to create a new range of sculptures and installations linked to the definition of techno music. Patterns and repetitions cross all over the galery space as a response to multiplicity of techno loops produced on a vinyl record. Sculptures and installations by Xavier Mary.
Sounds by Marcus Vector and Xavier Mary. Xavier Mary lives and works in Bruxelles.
Christian Nagel Galerie, Berlin. 12.03.2010 > 24.04.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Design, Graphisme, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: exposition |
Medium Resistance examines contemporary works of craft and print that resist old-fashioned divisions of high art and artisanship, reassessing the mediums’ expressive, communicative, and material possibilities. Ceramic multiples and posters, graphic digital images and books, to name just a few examples, straddle the lines between art, craft, and mass production, exploring each format’s potential for participation and dissemination, aesthetic, social, and technical labor.
Selection of artists and websites: Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret, Leslie Mutchler, Carl Pope, Bill Rankin and Francesc Ruiz.
The Ice Box, Philadelphia. 03.03.2010 > 04.04.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Bruxelles, Düsseldorf, exposition |
ALBUM/TRACKS A: with five large-format slide projections, several photo series, and a song project for the Internet, K21 presents the first museum-based overview of the work of Belgian artist Ana Torfs (born 1963 and, lives and works in Brussels). Torfs has dealt, among others, with questions such as perception, representation and the construction of images and identity.
K21, Düsseldorf. Ana Torfs, ALBUM/TRACKS A. 27.02.2010 > 18.07.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Amsterdam, exposition |
The next Foam exhibition shows works that have been selected from the resulting series of photographic works, Paul Graham published in twelve volumes as a shimmer of possibility (steidlMACK, 2007). These series of photographs provide a vivid glimpse into unheralded moments in the lives of individuals Graham encountered on his travels.
Foam, Amsterdam. Paul Graham – a shimmer of possibility. 02.04.2010 > 16.06.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Spectacle | Tags: Bruxelles, Essen |
C’est sous les ailes de la Needcompany, basée à Bruxelles (photo: The Porcelain Project) que Grace Ellen Barkey produit depuis 1992 ses propres spectacles, qui se situent à l’intersection du théâtre, de la danse, de la performance et de l’art plastique. Ce mélange explosif, au sein duquel le rôle de la plasticienne Lott Lemm est essentiel, se retrouve dans Cette porte est trop petite (pour un ours) actuellement en tournée européenne.
PACT Zollverein, Essen. Cette porte est trop petite (pour un ours). 11.03.2010 > 12.03.2010.
(©Photo: Miel Verhassel)
Filed under: Design | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition, Grand-Hornu |
Fidèle au principe des cartes blanches lancées il y a quelques saisons déjà, Grand-Hornu Images invite les jeunes designers belges, basés à Bruxelles, Marina Bautier et Nicolas Bovesse à investir ensemble l’Aile nord du Grand-Hornu. À l’instar de Xavier Lust ou de Sylvain Willenz précédemment, ils développeront une scénographie qui dévoilera tout à la fois leurs créations, leur sensibilité et leur univers créatif.
Grand-Hornu Images. Home Sweet Home. 07.03.2010 > 06.06.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition, galerie |
The first part of the exhibition opens up to a prop wall covered in black and white images, a set of watercolour drawings depicting the colonial times. The second part of the exhibition radically contrasts with the narrative of the first one. It is composed of charcoal and pastel drawings. Balleux’s works here take the shape of organic forms that are set up within different interior settings.
think.21 gallery, Brussels. Stephan Balleux, Sui Generis. 19.03.2010 > 08.05.2010.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition, galerie |
Les vidéos montrées dans Territories of Time abordent la notion du temps répétitif. Malgré les habitudes qui, inéluctablement, rythment notre quotidien, il n’y a pas un instant identique à un autre. Tout est toujours neuf. Dans cette exposition qui rassemble sept artistes, l’image répétée est montrée et observée avec acuité, absurdité, mélancolie, violence. Artistes: Ignasi Aballí, Absalon, David Claerbout, Lieven de Boeck, Sofia Hultén, Alfredo Jaar, Bruce Nauman.
Meessen De Clercq, Bruxelles. Territories Of Time. 12.03.2010 > 17.04.2010.