Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture, Vidéo – Film | Tags: , , |

« Pauline M’barek‘s exhibition Leaky Things shows a new spatial installation with objects, videos and photographic works, which focus on the permeable and unstable character of one’s own perception in the form of microsensations, ephemeral events and processual stages ». (Lotte Arndt, 2021)

Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln. 04.09.2021 > 16.10.2021.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Sculpture, Vidéo – Film | Tags: , , |

Capture d’écran 2021-04-29 à 18.10.52
Art as a strategy for living; Marcin Dudek’s practice builds from autobiographical experience and expands to explore the broader phenomenon that shaped it.

Harlan Levey Projects, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean. 29.04.2021 > 31.07.2021.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie | Tags: , |

Photography is in the center of Lulay Lulay’s artistic production and research, but more than producing photographs herself she is interest in the role that photography plays in our everyday life’s.

Leyendecker, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 16.10.2020 > 27.11.2020.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture | Tags: , , |

altblog_Yuko Mohri

Humour is as crucial a vehicle to Yuko Mohri’s work as is the slower than fast, stepped-down-speed, at which things swing, circulate or dim and brighten in her fluid sculptures.

mother’s tankstation, Dublin. 11.09.2019 > 07.12.2019.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture | Tags: , , |

altblog — Burçak Bingöl
Taking this dialogue as a departure point, Burçak Bingöl carries various fragments from Istanbul to Berlin and makes a visual experiment by superposing times and spaces.

Zilberman Gallery, Berlin. 24.04.2019 > 27.07.2019.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: , , |

Joan Mitchell — Row Row — 1982_
Organized in collaboration with the Joan Mitchell Foundation, the exhibition I carry my landscapes around with me—which span four decades of Mitchell’s career—will allow for a unique opportunity to explore the range of scale and formal experimentation of this innovative facet of her oeuvre.

David Zwirner, New York. 03.05.2019 > 12.07.2019.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture | Tags: , , |

Creating interactions between substances that are not normally found together, Alisa Baremboym assimilates one material into another, amplifying the object’s porosity as a human membrane separating us from the outside world.

Konrad Fischer Galerie, Berlin. 23.11.2018 – 26.01.2019.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: , , |

altblog – Gabriele Beveridge
Gabriele Beveridge’s materials frequently derive from sites of commerce, particularly those where we prepare and process our bodies, or more accurately where we pay others to perform labour on our surfaces. Display and presentation are persistent themes throughout the practice. Beveridge includes found photographic imagery, cropped posters and promotional material found in hair and nail salons, alongside photograms which are a new addition to the artist’s lexicon.

Seventeen, London. 03.11.2018 > 15.12.2018.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: , |

Sharon Lockhart
Movements and Variations in Two Parts
an exhibition of new series of photographic and sculptural works by Sharon Lockhart spanning two neighboring locations: Gladstone Gallery and Jan Mot. The exhibition features a series of photographic and sculptural works that stem from Lockhart’s ongoing interest in portraiture, choreography, and the empowerment of women.

Gladstone Gallery and Jan Mot, Brussels. 07.09.2018 > 20.10.2018.


Filed under: Architecture, Art contemporain | Tags: , |

The main objective of the new artspace o v project is to confront various disciplines and artistic languages in a shared environment to generate a sense of curiosity and critical thinking. The Brussels-based architecture firm Lhoas and Lhoas has been invited to design a unique space where Olivier Vrankenne aims to create interactions and previously unseen connections between different artistic fields, based on mutual dialogues beyond traditional art histories.

For its inaugural project, OV brings together Richard Nonas’ art with selected objects from Native American Art and Culture

o v project, Bruxelles. 18.04 > 15.07.2017.