Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: |

Marcin Dudek‘s “Steps & Marches.” is a collaborative exhibition with Chapter I taking place in Brussels and Chapter II in London at Edel Assanti Gallery. Each exhibition begins with the artist retracing his steps as a teenage member of the Cracovia football fan club.

Harlan Levey Projects, Brussels. 07.09.2017 > 28.10.2018.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: , , , |

αστάρια | Amorces,
 notre co-édition avec l’artiste Michel Mazzoni, est officiellement présentée en France, à partir d’aujourd’hui, par les Éditions Énigmatiques au Cosmos Arles Books.

« αστάρια » (Amorces) est un projet auquel Michel Mazzoni a travaillé pendant des années, par étapes successives, et parfois dans le même temps que l’édition de ses autres livres. Ce nouvel opus éclaire la genèse respective des précédents autant qu’il nous montre la quintessence de la recherche de l’auteur comme pratique artistique. C’est aussi bien un retour qu’un nouveau commencement avec des allées-venues inattendues. Dans ce livre, les images se côtoient sur le principe du télescopage et de l’écho avec des fac-similés de textes scientifiques. L’utilisation d’un papier bible permet de révéler le fantôme de chaque image.

  • Édition limitée à 300 exemplaires — 48 euros
  • Tirage de tête — 250 euros (avec une photographie numérotée et signée)
  • Format 162 x 244 mm | Épaisseur 20 mm | 424 pages
  • 170 images | 15 textes en fac-similé
  • Imprimé sur papier Amber Graphic 70 g
  • Custode carton épaisseur 2 mm, impression recto/verso
  • Photographies : Michel Mazzoni
  • Design graphique : Manu Blondiau (
  • Imprimeur : Cassochrome
  • Diffusion : R-Diffusion, Strasbourg
  • Un projet soutenu par la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
  • une co-édition Alt Éditions & Éditions Énigmatiques

Cosmos Arles BooksÉditions Énigmatiques (class 2)
Ancien Collège Fredéric Mistral. Accès rue Condorcet, 13200 Arles

03.07 > 08.07.2017, 12:00 > 20:00

Signature du livre ce vendredi 7 juillet, à partir de 18:00.
Commandes en ligne via ce lienr-diffusion ou par mail :

Disponible également à Bruxelles:
• Librairie Peinture Fraîche (+ exposition personnelle de Michel Mazzoni jusqu’au 22 juillet 2017)
Tipi Photo Bookshop


Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: , , |

Images that have been published in American newspapers and magazines from the 1920s to 1970s are Thomas Ruff’s source material for his press++ series, images that in themselves have even more diverse archival origins; the police, NASA, press agencies and press departments of institutions, to name a few. From the 1930s onwards, most of the photographs were no longer sent by mail from the press agency to the newspapers but instead sent as a wire and were then printed out by the newspaper, therefore showing the structure of the wire transmission.

To produce these works, Ruff scans the front and back of each photograph and combines them digitally, taking into account the original image as well as crops, touch-ups, date stamps, scribbles and smudges. Each of these marks varies in line, colour, and implement used; a red stamp, an inky blue fingerprint, a biro squiggle. Ruff has commented how photo-editors at the newspapers had little respect for the photograph, significantly altering the look and meaning of the original with their retouching and comments. Despite how invisible the hand of the editor is typically made to seem, here they are placed front and centre.

SPRÜTH MAGERS, Berlin. 07.07.2017 > 26.08.2017.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie | Tags: , |

Pakui Hardware is the collaborative artist duo formed by Neringa Černiauskaitė and Ugnius Gelguda. In their work, the duo traces Capital traveling through bodies and materials.

Exile, Berlin. 01.06.2017 > 15.07.2017.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: , |

Projects 106: Martine Syms, the first US solo museum exhibition by Martine Syms (b. 1988, Los Angeles), is an immersive installation including photographs and staged objects, and centering around a new feature-length film, Incense Sweaters & Ice.

MoMA, New York. 27.05.2017 > 16.07.2017.


Filed under: Architecture, Art contemporain | Tags: , |

The main objective of the new artspace o v project is to confront various disciplines and artistic languages in a shared environment to generate a sense of curiosity and critical thinking. The Brussels-based architecture firm Lhoas and Lhoas has been invited to design a unique space where Olivier Vrankenne aims to create interactions and previously unseen connections between different artistic fields, based on mutual dialogues beyond traditional art histories.

For its inaugural project, OV brings together Richard Nonas’ art with selected objects from Native American Art and Culture

o v project, Bruxelles. 18.04 > 15.07.2017.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: , |

altblog — Cléo Totti
In the recent book ‘Cannibalism: A perfectly natural history’ by American researcher Bill Schutt we can read that cannibalism is not that unusual as one would expect. Humans consumed each other for centuries and not only on some far away exotic island but also here in Europe. And the reason of doing so was not only overpopulation or starvation which makes it even more odd. But also in the natural world animals from every class eat each other…
With works by Aline Bouvy, Joachim Coucke, Olga Fedorova, Indrikis Gelzis, Erin Jane Nelson, Anna Solal, Cleo Totti and Tom Volkaert.

The Stable, Waregem. 24.03.2017 > 30.04.2017.


Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: , |

altblog -Impression Placebo_III Beatrice Balcou 2016
The current exhibition at EXILE is both an intentional and intuitive dialogue between two artists : Beatrice Balcou and Kazuko Miyamoto, from different generations, yet with a similar sense of observing the world in its formal and relational complexity.

Exile Gallery, Berlin. 24.03.2017 > 15.04.2017.

Support our New Edition !

Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: , , , |

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Nous travaillons sur le prochain livre de Michel Mazzoni, une co-édition Alt Editions & Editions Enigmatiques ! αστάρια | amorces est depuis hier disponible en prévente au prix de 25 € (signé) au lieu de 40 € à sa sortie… Les autres contreparties sont tout aussi intéressantes et nous vous invitons à découvrir et à soutenir le projet via Kickstarter
Nous vous remercions d’avances pour votre coup de pouce afin de réunir le budget nécessaire à sa finalisation !

αστάρια is a project on which Michel Mazzoni worked for years, step by step, and sometimes at the same time that the edition of its other books. This new opus enlightens the respective genesis of the precedents as much as it shows us the quintessence of the research for the author as artistic practice. It is a return as well as a new beginning with unexpected comings or goings that we would like to make graphically possible.

The project is on the right track but there is 3000-euros sum to be collected and we look for crowdfunders to finalize the financing and start the production.However, the more we’ll collect money, the more we’ll realize serenely this book, such as we imagine it. Funds collected by Kickstarter will be used for the finalization and the printing.

In return, we thus thought of proposing the signed copies pre-order and for a lesser price, but also to some postcards, deluxe edition with signed inkjet prints, archival pigment prints numbered, signed and framed. Each will find its count there. But everybody will participate in the publishing of an exceptional object and of quality.


Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: , , |

Lina Scheynius’ photography has found its way via the internet into the fashion world and from there into the art world.

Christophe Guye Galerie, Zürich. 26.01.2017 > 15.04.2017.