Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Sculpture | Tags: Brussels, gallery |
The exhibition is composed of pages from monographic art books which suffered damage by water and time. They were subsequently professionally restored by Béatrice Balcou with the help of two students from the restoration department of La Cambre. The project focusses on the restoration of the reproduction of a painting.
BEIGE, Brussels. 31.03.2023 > 06.05.2023.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Sculpture | Tags: Amsterdam, exhibition, gallery |
With a practice that is deeply interwoven into her everyday experience, Ruth van Beek looks inwards at how her vast archive works.
In Mariken Wessels’ new series of sculptures of Mama and collage works The Sculptor, it is the female body that becomes matter.
The Ravestijn Gallery, Amsterdam. 11.03.2023 > 22.04.2023.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture | Tags: exhibition, gallery, Los Angeles |
Nancy Holt’s work addresses the consistent examination of how we attempt to understand our place in the world. Across five decades she investigated perception, systems and place.
Sprüeth Magers, Los Angeles. 28.10.2022 > 14.01.2023.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture | Tags: Brussels, gallery |
SURPLUS reversed by Magda Buczek refers to practices of protest occupation, squatting, and virusing more than to a traditional exhibition. Hidden from the eyes of inattentive visitors, yet teased in a window display, it plays with a marketing strategy of speak-easy, a secret, exclusive space for the selected group of audience.
SUPER DAKOTA, Brussels. 09.06.22 > 16.07.22.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: Bremen, exhibition |
Alexandra Leykauf investigates the relationship between image and viewer, and context and space working with photographic imaging processes. With a simple but effective sewing technique, Dominik Styk produces abstracted forms that are simultaneously strange and familiar.
GAK, Bremen. 19.02.2022 > 15.05.2022.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture, Vidéo – Film | Tags: exhibition, Genk |

Laila Melchior and Koi Persyn — laureates of the second edition of the Lichen Curatorial Prize — present Three Tropes for Entropy, a growing and transformative exhibition in three chapters with works by mountaincutters (FR), Angyvir Padilla (VZ) and Daniel Steegmann Mangrané (ES), Three Tropes for Entropy delves into three distinctive artistic practices, presenting their singular approaches towards notions of flux, energy, and transformation.
CIAP Kunstverein, Lichen Curatorial Prize #2, Genk, 06.02.2022 > 01.05.2022.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: exposition, galerie, Paris |
Ludovic Sauvage conceptualise une pratique de l’installation où les images prennent forme par leur déconstruction dans l’environnement.
Galerie Valeria Cetraro, Paris. 29.01.2022 > 26.02.2022.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture, Vidéo – Film | Tags: exhibition, gallery, Köln |
« Pauline M’barek‘s exhibition Leaky Things shows a new spatial installation with objects, videos and photographic works, which focus on the permeable and unstable character of one’s own perception in the form of microsensations, ephemeral events and processual stages ». (Lotte Arndt, 2021)
Thomas Rehbein Galerie, Köln. 04.09.2021 > 16.10.2021.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Sculpture, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Anvers, exposition |
La pratique sculpturale et filmique de Jumana Manna se concentre sur la dynamique autour de processus qui construisent et consument l’histoire et les lieux. Elle réanime ces dynamiques pour concevoir des installations qui évoquent des paysages, des lieux de travail et des corps en état de mutation étrange.
M HKA, Anvers. 02.05.2021 > 29.08.2021.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: exposition, galerie, Paris |
En revisitant les concepts traditionnels, Nairy Baghramian imagine un vocabulaire novateur qui emprunte à la fois aux arts visuels, aux arts vivants et aux arts décoratifs.
Marian Goodman Gallery, Paris. 10.06.2021 > 24.07.2021.