Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: |

Found in Translation, chapter L
, a group exhibition by 29 artists curated by Emmanuel Lambion, presents works being – directly or indirectly – in connection with each other. Certainly, loss of meaning may be induced through linguistic translations of sentences or expressions (lost in translation); but this exhibition also aims at “gathering” works of art in order to create, among others, new conceptual and formal interpretations.
Selection of Website: Juan Arata, Aline Bouvy & John Gillis, Lucia Bru, Liudvikas Buklys, B-1010, Ludovic Chemarin, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Edith Dekyndt, Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost, Agnès Geoffray, gerlach en koop, Sofie Haesaerts, Hedwig Houben, Ann Veronica Janssens, Eleni Kamma, Adrien Gary Lucca, Jani Ruscica, Robert Suermondt, Pieter Vermeersch, VVORK et Freek Wambacq.

Casino, Luxembourg. 01.10.2011 > 08.01.2012.

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