Filed under: Art contemporain, Musique, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: , |

Capture d’écran 2016-08-30 à 16.28.12
For its next exhibition ‘xerox’, Société returns to the analogue world of copy art, to confront the two dimensional exhibition space of printed matter with the three dimensional one of the exhibition space. From LAb[au]’s entropic machine, Carsten Nicolai’s sounds of transcoded information flows to Tiago Duarte’s residu roll, Hanne Darboven’s columns and rows, to Dieudonné Cartier’s sculptural interpretation of station for art by fax, … all projects interpret the realm of paper and ink.
More Websites : Xavier Antin, François de ConinckAlessandro de Francesco, Denicolai & Provoost, Gerlach en Koop and Nicholas Knight.

Société, Bruxelles. 07.09.2016 > 13.11.2016.

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