Filed under: Art contemporain, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Brussels, exposition |
The final chapter of the exhibition cluster The Gathering Of Characters And Forms is a happy reunion of Alice De Mont, Benjamin Verhoeven and Hans Demeulenaere. This time Joachim Coucke, curator of the previous chapters, joins them. Curated by Roxane Baeyens.
DASH@Hopstreet Gallery, Brussels. Open 24, 25, 31 July & 01 August, 14 – 18h and by appointment.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: exposition, galerie, Lyon |
Josué Rauscher: J’aime la sculpture quand elle est monolithique et massive mais j’aime encore plus qu’elle soit légère, disjointe, précaire, vulnérable. En abordant les matériaux et les techniques de façon empirique et sans m’interdire les maladresses, je fabrique des objets qui sont pour moi des bribes, des indices, des fragments de récits que je dispose ensuite dans l’espace.
Galerie Tator, Lyon. 11.05.2015 > 17.07.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: exposition, Paris |
Située au cœur du Quartier Latin, la galerie Perception Park a pour volonté de favoriser les mouvements d’idées, de multiplier les points de vue et d’accompagner l’expression singulière, spontanée et mouvante propre à la création émergente. Parallèlement à cette vocation de mise en lumière, la galerie mène une réflexion collective sur la notion de perception et sur le rapport qu’entretient l’artiste à la réalité.
Sélection de sites Internet: Annabelle Arlie, Bertrand Joseph, Victor Derel,
Célia Nkala, Gwendoline Perrigueux, Anne Laure Sacriste, Nicolas Tourre, Aldéric Trével, Stéphane VIGNY.
Perception Park, Paris. 30.05.2015 > 25.07.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie | Tags: Brussels, exposition |
Un-Scene III is a group exhibition of 13 emerging artists in or from Belgium. The works presented include new and existing pieces, and range across all media.
Selection of Websites: Béatrice Balcou, Jean-Baptiste Bernadet, Sébastien Bonin, Kasper Bosmans, Erika Hock, Hedwig Houben, Stephanie Kiwitt, Julien Meert, Yuki Okumura, Marina Pinsky, Marnie Slater, Leen Voet, Freek Wambacq.
Wiels, Brussels. 30.05.2015 > 09.08.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition |
Balayer, éponger, gommer, frotter, laver, brosser constituent la base fonctionnaliste à partir de laquelle Evan Robarts définit son travail de sculpture, d’installation et de peinture. Empruntés au monde ouvrier et à la vie quotidienne, les matériaux et les objets de l’artiste rejouent par certains aspects le contexte physique et visuel des cols bleus au travail.
Jeanrochdard, Brussels. 23.04.2015 > 06.06.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: Courtrai, exposition |
Potential Remains is the latest project produced by Nicolas Lamas, Peruvian artist based in Gent, presented at DASH. His work derives from the interest and mistrust in constructed perceptions that determine our notion of truth through knowledge. Lamas constantly creates interactions between objects, images and language to build new associations, functions and potential combinations within a common space. In search of the potentiality of things or the state where an object loses its original meaning or essence and can transform into anything else, Lamas explores how values are relative to their degree of transformation.
In Potential Remains, leftovers and remains of the art school in which DASH is situated, will be placed and related with other materials, tools, works and digital references as part of two -different but complementary- installations in the corridors of the two floors of the school. Each installation is adapted to the limitations and characteristics of each space, taking the ideas of model, copy, value or fragmentation as important notions to think and redefine within this project. Curated by EXEMPLAR.
DASH, Kortrijk. 20.04.2015 > 03.05.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: Brussels, exposition |
First solo-exhibition of Gareth Moore in Belgium. The show appears as a ceremony composed of instrumental sculptures. It pursues the artist’s ongoing investigations and explores the physical and symbolic properties of sound and its relationship to humans, animals and sculptural form.
La Loge, Brussels. 23.04 > 20.06.2014
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: exposition, Paris |
A Living Man Declared Dead and Other Chapters I – XVIII was produced over a four-year period (2008-11), during which the artist, Taryn Simon, travelled around the world researching and recording bloodlines and their related stories. The subjects Simon documents include victims of genocide in Bosnia, test rabbits infected with a lethal disease in Australia, the first woman to hijack an aircraft, and the living dead in India. Her collection is at once cohesive and arbitrary, mapping the relationships among chance, blood, and other components of fate.
Le Point du Jour – Centre d’art Éditeur, Paris. 01.03.2015 > 31.05.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: exposition, Toulouse |
Trouble in painting, à l’initiative de l’artiste Katharina Schmidt, professeur à l’institut supérieur des arts de Toulouse, est une exposition collaborative qui déplace les questions et notions de genre vers celles des pratiques picturales et curatoriales contemporaines. . Sélection de sites Internet: Joan Ayrton, Emmanuelle Castellan, Jagna Ciuchta, Ursula Döbereiner, Guillaume Durrieu, Kerstin Drechsel, Friederike Feldmann, Henry Kleine, Katharina Schmidt.
BBB centre d’art, Toulouse. 04.03.2015 > 02.05.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: Anvers, exposition, galerie |
Emotions have always been the driving force and main consideration in the work of Katrien de Blauwer. She is strongly drawn to the uncomfortable in human emotion, like pain, sorrow, loss, desire.
Tique Art Space, Anvers. 23-04-15 > 23-05-15.