Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: exposition, galerie, Torino |
The installation’s sculptural elements were conceived based on the features of Quartz’s space, juxtaposed with the architectural shapes of some of Turin’s buildings. Isa Melsheimer explains, « The idea behind the title is my interest in some of Turin’s housing, such as in the Falchera district, and the buildings of Enzo Venturelli, Carlo Mollino, Luigi Nervi, Gabetti and Isola. I think the look of many of these buildings is quite special, very « modern. »
Quartz Studio, Turin. 28.02.2015 > 28.03.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration | Tags: exposition, Paris |
Vetiver est une série de tableaux grands formats initiés par Jean-Baptiste Bernadet en 2013, et présentée aujourd’hui selon une nouvelle variation, avec le même principe technique d’étirement et de synthèse de la peinture à même la toile.
Chez Valentin, Paris. 17.01.2015 > 17.03.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie | Tags: Brussels, galerie |
Les artistes de l’exposition manipulent et bousculent les fonctions de l’image au regard de sa circulation massive, pour explorer ses dysfonctionnements, la vacuité toujours grandissante de sa logique de surenchère. Sélection de sites Internet: Stefania Batoeva, Béla Pablo Janssen, Aude Pariset, Loup Sarion, and Adrien Vescovi.
Galerie Jeanrochdard, Bruxelles. 24.01.2015 – 21.02.2105.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Brussels, galerie |
“Ola Rindal uses different dimensions and printing methods for each photograph, which is enough to deny the setting up of any linear narrative. The image, far from revealing its secrets, expresses itself with an uncertainty that eventually makes intensely present what is never represented.”
(Frédéric BONNET, For Galerie Catherine Bastide, 2010).
Galerie Catherine Bastide, Bruxelles. Until 07.03.2015.
Filed under: Photographie | Tags: exposition, Hambourg |
In his photographic series « Lick Creek Line » Ron Jude follows a fur trapper into the wilderness of the American West. While following his subject along the river, Jude reflects on the possibilities of storytelling in photography, on the blurring line between documentary and fiction in his work and on the new space that is thus created.
Robert Morat, Hamburg. 16.01.2015 > 21.03.2015.
Filed under: Photographie | Tags: Brussels, exposition, galerie |
Between the Flashes of the Lighthouse is an extension of the series Nine Nameless Mountains, realized by Maanantai Collective in August 2014, 2 years later the first trip to Lofoten. In reference to the exhibition title, the dark moments between the flashes were indeed a sign of the possibility to step into the unknown, the unexpected and the prolific part of the creative process. The new works of Maanantai are playing with subtlety and drive with the direct experimentation of visual perception.
Galerie van der Mieden, Bruxelles. 10.01.2015 > 28.02.2015.
Filed under: Design | Tags: exposition, Hasselt |
Tout spécialement pour cet événement, on doit à
Konstantin Grcic trois grandes installations qui reflètent sa vision de l’habitat, du travail et de l’espace public dans le futur.
Z33, Hasselt. 08.02 > 24.05.2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Graphisme, Photographie | Tags: Anvers, exposition, opening |
The exhibition ‘Out of Shape’ brings together the work of 9 artists who all draw attention to the importance of shape and form. The artists’ Websites: Lotte Reimann, Ruth van Beek, Fleur van Dodewaarde, Suzanne Posthumus, Anna de Jong, Isabelle Wenzel and Anne Huijnen.
New Tique Art Space, Anvers. 29-01-2015 > 28-02-2015.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: exposition, galerie, Paris |
Lena Amuat et Zoë Meyer interrogent l’influence des processus esthétiques sur la production des savoirs. Entamant en 2009, sous le nom d’Artefacts and Models, un travail de collecte photographique qui emprunte au registre encyclopédique, elles développent un système d’archives personnelles toujours augmentées, de l’ordre du substrat culturel, où se mêlent moulages antiques, artefacts ethnologiques, objets cultuels, modèles scientifiques ou encore pédagogiques.
Galerie Marine Veilleux, Paris. 31.10.2014 > 06.12.2014.