Filed under: Photographie | Tags: , |

altblog – Slava MogutinIn 1792, revolutionary France establishes the Republican calendar and thereby puts an end to the subsequently called “ère vulgaire” (EV). In 1989, another Revolution eliminates Stalinism in Russia and East Germany. This is the beginning of a new era for the youth of Eastern Europe but also for the West where the awareness of an historic paradigm shift raises.
The exhibition “l’ère vulgaire passera” shows the work of four photographers who echo this major shift: Aleksandr Schumow, Andreas Fux, Slava Mogutin & Brian Kenny.
Guest curator : Patrik Schedler.

Galerie Esther Woerdehoff (Pop-Up, 16 rue du Perche), Paris. 28.11.2013 > 21.12.2013.


Filed under: Art contemporain | Tags: , |

Dernière exposition de la saison JAP à la gare Bruxelles Congrès dès ce ce jeudi soir: les pièces de Tiéri Rivière évoquent souvent le voyage, le déplacement ou la migration.

Bruxelles Congrès. 20.05.2011 > 24.06.2011.