Filed under: Peinture - Illustration, Photographie | Tags: exhibition, New York |
Walter Pfeiffer explores the syntax of pictures: how acts of arrangement and modes of presentation generate moods and associations. Organized chronologically, the exhibition brings together photographs, paintings, drawings, videos and collages made by Pfeiffer over the last six decades to showcase the artist’s approach to capturing life’s pleasures, poetics and oddities in images.
Swiss Institute, New York. 04.05.2022 > 28.08.2022.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: Bremen, exhibition |
Alexandra Leykauf investigates the relationship between image and viewer, and context and space working with photographic imaging processes. With a simple but effective sewing technique, Dominik Styk produces abstracted forms that are simultaneously strange and familiar.
GAK, Bremen. 19.02.2022 > 15.05.2022.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: exposition, galerie, Paris |
Ludovic Sauvage conceptualise une pratique de l’installation où les images prennent forme par leur déconstruction dans l’environnement.
Galerie Valeria Cetraro, Paris. 29.01.2022 > 26.02.2022.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Sculpture | Tags: exposition, galerie, Paris |
En revisitant les concepts traditionnels, Nairy Baghramian imagine un vocabulaire novateur qui emprunte à la fois aux arts visuels, aux arts vivants et aux arts décoratifs.
Marian Goodman Gallery, Paris. 10.06.2021 > 24.07.2021.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie, Sculpture, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Brussels, exhibition |
Lesage is an artist run space founded upon camaraderie and a curiosity for other artists’ practice; a desire to enter into a dialogue with their work, to have a look behind the scenes, to create exhibitions and share these with an audience. The exhibition ‘
Spatial Bias‘ is held in the HISK exhibition space at the Gosset site. Group show with:
Anu Vahtra,
Chris Evans,
Damiano Curschellas,
Emma van der Put,
Florin Filleul,
gerlach en koop,
Gust Duchateau,
Helen Dowling,
Jacqueline Mesmaeker,
Jurgen Ots,
Margaux Schwarz,
Marianne Berenhaut,
Michael Van den Abeele,
Quentin Sietzen,
Sofia Caesar,
Sophy Nys,
Sylvie Eyberg &
Pierre Leguillon.
With the support of
Lesage Artist Run Space., Brussels. 22.04.2021 > 02.05.2021.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie | Tags: gallery, Tenerife |
Photography is in the center of Lulay Lulay’s artistic production and research, but more than producing photographs herself she is interest in the role that photography plays in our everyday life’s.
Leyendecker, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 16.10.2020 > 27.11.2020.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Peinture - Illustration, Photographie | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition |
Radek Brousil est l’auteur de nombreuses installations, travaillant principalement avec les tissus, mais aussi avec la céramique, film, photographie et vidéo. Il traite les sujets de témoignage de société, présentant ainsi une expression activiste sur un avenir incertain. L’exposition “Cry into your beer” est conçue en collaboration avec Martin Groch.
Komplot, Bruxelles. (05.11.2020 > 14.11.2020) POSTPONED to 01.01.2021.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: exposition, Liège |
« Through a painstaking research on the miscarriages of justice and attitudes of victim-blaming, this work is a personal analysis of cultural, social and political contexts around the world, that still normalise sexual violence today. » Laia Abril
BIP, (La Menuiserie) Liège. 19.09.2020 > 25.10.2020.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie | Tags: Bruxelles, exposition |
Dès les prémices du dialogues, Michel Mazzoni et Adriaan Verwée se sont trouvés des référents communs dans la russie du vingtième siècle : suprématisme et constructivisme, Malevitch, Lissitzky et Rodchenko : la conquête de l’espace bien avant la conquête de l’espace.
V2Vingt, Bruxelles. 26.09.2020 > 17.10.2020.
Filed under: Art contemporain, Photographie, Vidéo – Film | Tags: Brussels, édition, exhibition |
WIELS inaugurates 2020 with the first large-scale solo exhibition in Belgium of the artist Wolfgang Tillmans. Exhibited over two floors, Today Is The First Day presents work by the artist from the past three decades, while opening up onto the latest developments in his practice that will include new photography, sound and video works in a spatial constellation, conceived especially by Tillmans for WIELS. Curators: Devrim Bayar and Dirk Snauwaert. A 512 pages artist book, co-published by IMMA, WIELS and Koenig Books, is available.
WIELS, Brussels. 01.02.2020 – 16.08.2020.